
TheatreWorks/72-13 Presents REVOLUTION-PER-MINUTE

RPM is a dramatic musing on collision: what happens when lives, bodies and memories plow into one another. One high-speed motorcycle totals itself, taking an unsuspecting pedestrian with it while an incredulous passer-by witnesses the whole event.

RPM, a performance-sound installation, will see Choy Ka Fai collaborating with contemporary dance collective, contact Gonzo from Osaka, Japan! RPM distends this point of impact into a series of tectonic vignettes; making this an intensely warped encounter with the uncontrollable conditions of velocity. “Does your life really flash before your eyes before you expire? What will you see? Will you like what you see?”

One accident; Two parties; Three versions. 

Conceived + Directed + Multimedia Design by Choy Ka Fai Text 
Dramaturgy by Robin Loon 
Performed by contact Gonzo(Yuya Tsukahara, Keigo Mikajiri, Itaru Kato) + Li Xie + Patricia Toh 
Sound Installation by Zulkifle Mohmod
Set Design by Mohd Fared Jainal
Lighting Design by Andy Lim

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