
The King Lear Project: A Trilogy (Kunsten Festival Des Arts - Brussels)

Design: Ho Tzu Nyen
The King Lear Project: A Trilogy, commissioned by the Singapore Arts Festival and Kunstenfestivaldesarts of Brussels, explores the theatrical mountains in Lear that stage practitioners and audiences subject themselves to climb. The trilogy’s parts, each complete in themselves and independent of one another, begin with Lear Enters, which pitches three actors in an audition where their every choice is placed under scrutiny. Part two, Dover Cliff: The Condition of Representation, explores the three scenes in Lear regarded to be the most difficult to stage. Part three, The Lear Universe, ends the trilogy with an attempt to create the most perfect version of Lear through a dialogue between the actors and the audience…The project was conceived and written by visual artist/film-maker-turned theatre artist Ho Tzu Nyen. He co-directed the production with film-maker Fran Borgia.

Ho Tzu Nyen
Fran Borgia
Stage Manager: 
Lu Huen
Set Designer: 
James Page
Lighting Designer: 
Andy Lim
Sound Designer: 
Jeffrey Yue
Wardrobe Supervisor: 
Eve Tan
Costume Designer: 
Hayden Ng
Director of Photography: 
Amandi Wong
Production/Technical Manager: 
Evelyn Chia
Kaylene Tan, Paul Rae, Elizabeth Tan, Remesh Panicker, K. Rajagopal, Gerald Chew, Tan Kheng Hua, Janice Koh, Shu An Oon, Crispian Chan, Brendon Fernandez

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